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SOAR Policy

Dress Code:

SOAR follows the Akron Public Schools' dress code. Parents will be required to bring in a change of clothing for any student who does not wear approved attire.

Prohibited Items:

Students are not permitted to bring in any personal items which are not releated to the school day. Items include, but are not limited to: iPods, video game systems, toys, etc. Prohibited items will be confiscated and remain in SOAR's possession until the final day of the student's placement in the program.

Cell Phone Policy:

SOAR students are permitted to bring their cell phones, however they will not have access to them during the school day. Cell phones will be collected at the beginning of each school day and returned to the student before he/she leaves.


Parents will not be able to contact their child throughout the school day by calling their cell phone. Therefore, parents are encouraged to contact the SOAR office for assistance.

Breakfast and Lunch:

Akron Public Schools provides breakfast and lunch for all SOAR students.

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