Celebrating 20 years of service!
Leading children to success one step at a time.
School is in session from:
08:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Office is open from:
07:30 AM to 03:30 PM

Our Students
The LEAP Program has a wonderful newsletter written by students for their friends and family. The newsletter gives others a look into the year so far.
Along with our newsletter we posted letters from past and present students about their time here at LEAP.
To read some student testimonials please click "Student Life" link below. You can also click the links to the right to access our newsletters.
"Thank you all so much for all the hard work and your commitment to our daughter, Kate. She was in your facility for 18 months and she has changed into this beautiful little girl. Her new school placement is pleased with her interactions with peers, her ability to concentrate and even raising her hand to speak! Thank you again for helping us with our daughter! Your hard work has paid off. Good luck to all of you."
- Roy and Julie
"How you treat our best students shows your aspirations; how you treat your most challenging students shows your values. The values at LEAP reflect upon the open door policy of constructive communication and parent visits, the knowledge, and social skills in which my son has successfully gained in a positive learning environment and the comfort I feel when sending him off to school. Thank you for your values."
- Ms. Reynolds
"Extremely pleased with the extreme change in Lou's behavior. This is a wonderful program and we are very fortunate to have Lou attend this program. I have hope once again."
"I am very happy with how the program has helped Jeff- He looks forward to school here- he fits in here. The people make him feel better about himself here. I thank you so much for this special needs place. So much more I could say positive about LEAP."
- Misc. Passport Entries
"Here is $20.00 for the food drive. Hope this helps out for a wonderful cause. It's great to see how your school gets so involved with helping others"
"Just wanted to thank each and everyone for all you do for Ben. Y'all are a blessing to our family. Hope your holiday season is a blessed one. Thank you!"
"Overall, a school that is definitely meeting a need and doing a good job doing it. Thank you."
"Here is $20.00 for the food drive. Hope this helps out for a wonderful cause. It's great to see how your school gets so involved with helping others"
"Just wanted to thank each and everyone for all you do for Ben. Y'all are a blessing to our family. Hope your holiday season is a blessed one. Thank you!"
"Overall, a school that is definitely meeting a need and doing a good job doing it. Thank you."
"I am very pleased with the staff. It is a relaxing thing knowing that they are trained to handle the children and the behaviors that can arise."
"Eddie has done so well with the LEAP Program. He has made great strides in his development and continues to do so with the help of the caring and attentive staff. Thank you.
"Thank you for the patience, empathy, support, and caring you share with my son each day. There are not enough words to express my heart felt gratitude. I am blessed to have you all involved with my son. He has come so far"